Ahoy from Anguill!

From Jennifer Simms and kids!
Good morning friends!
After a 21 hour rather hair raising crossing of the Anegada Passage, we made it to Anguilla (in the British West Indies), where it all began when we lived here eight years ago, and where Charlie first envisioned his BIG idea. It has been so nice to see many of our old friends and also make some new ones. We had only been here a few hours when one of our dear old friends shared with us the news about a lovely woman named Renuka Harrigan who started a foundation for special needs children here called the Arijah Children’s Foundation, (www.arijahcf.org ), named for her 8 year old daughter who was born with Rhett’s Syndrome.
We met Renuka that afternoon and spent several hours the next day with the children at the Blossom Center. We had a wonderful time! What I feared would be a sad, confusing experience for Charlie and Lexi turned into the most amazing joyous, playful and inspiring event I can remember!
I will keep you posted regarding how Bids That Give can support these angel children, and how our miracle gifting continues!
Happily I would like to introduce you to our new friends. Attached please find several photos to share these precious children with you!
(sorry pictures will be available soon)
Jennifer, Charlie and Lexi
PPS. Charlie did a super job filming our day at the Blossom Center and we will send you the link as soon as he is done editing.

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