Domestic Violence…. a story I know well…

I decided to do something different from now on and hold my interviews in my kitchen. It’s real, authentic, natural and an easy way for women to share their stories.

When I first met Kamal Dhillon, she had not yet written her book. She has connected with me several years back when I was producing television and had asked me if I knew of someone who could help her tell her story.  I don’t know if I was any help to her back then, but she clearly felt she needed to write her book.

Black and Blue Sari is her work,   BLACK AND BLUE SARI –  her story  and she is one of my friends and a true personal woman hero.    Kamal wrote her book as part of her healing and the healing of her children. Black and Blue Sari is her story of truth, pain, trauma, and all that is ugly to us as humans and yet found her way to forgiveness and hope. It was my honor to interview her.

More on Kamal here Read more:

Kamal Dhillon, pictured with her dog P.J., is the recipient of the Courage to Come Back Award in the social-adversity category. Dhillon was beaten by her husband for several years before fleeing in the middle of the night with her children. She now offers talks about domestic violence and counsels battered women.


If you need help….. go to : When Love Hurts

Listen to Kamal’s brave and transparent story right here as she shares with me in my kitchen:



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