Today, I am sharing writing about one of my most favorite topics. These are two words that when mixed together, demonstrate one of my favorite subjects, ” emotional intelligence”
According to research and several websites, emotional intelligence basically comes down to a level of maturity that doesn’t come just because you are an adult.
Take a look at this article
In fact, if you think because you are “emotional” and that makes you intelligent, then you are mistaken.
One of the biggest signs of emotional intelligence is your ability to understand how people think and work out your problems with dignity and respect and restore relationships that are broken because of misunderstanding.
Marks of a lack of emotional intelligence:
1. Judging- thinking you have “facts” usually (gossip someone passed on, or their perspective) about someone without ever asking or seeking to understand, and as a result keeping you locked into anger and cold withdrawal.
2. Holding grudges- this definitely demonstrates an immature response and one that will keep you stunted emotionally.
3. Lack of forgiveness- or thinking you have the power to withhold it from others- This is a God like complex and you should probably take a good look in the mirror. I don’t think you are God.
4. Letting anger and a lack of understanding keep you from restoring broken relationships.
If you have any of these qualities, yet insist that you are emotionally mature, think again!
We all need to grow up… time for you too!
LJK, Love, Joy, Kindness…. pass it on!