Single Parents Retreat- Any sponsors?

I have always wanted to do a single mom’s retreat for moms who are needing support and encouragement and rest and refreshment. I would like to take 25 single mom’s  all expenses paid, who need encouragement and support as guests to  my favorite place, Rowena’s on the River in the fall and would like to hear from sponsors and those who want to nominate a mom who could use a weekend away! I would also be inviting a few celebrity friends to join us (not saying who right now) but they are famous for sure! let me know what you think and email me at to tell me your th0ughts on sponsorship!

Check out below:


Wonderful 15th Anniversary Day at the Rowena’s by the River, and the Sandpiper Golf Course!









What a fabulous day we had yesterday, June 8th at the 15th anniversary celebration of the Sandpiper Golf and Resort at Rowena’s on the River.    Entertainment went late into the night after a full day of golf, appy’s, drinks, BBQ under the tent, power point slide of the memories and of course the Fraser Blues flew in their planes to do fly over’s for the guests and the owners.  Both Betty Anne and her husband Doug are a fantastic couple who have lent their family home to the vision of guests in beautiful cabins (hardly a cabin) along with a gorgeous bed and breakfast in the large mansion, surrounded by majestic cedar trees, rivers, swimming pool, hot tub and on the banks of the  the fabulous Harrison River, in Harrison Mills, B.C.  What a privilege to be invited to participate in the family and guests celebration. General manager Chris was also on hand with his lovely friend Jeannette to learn about the vision of the property and the stunning 18 Hole Par 3 Professional and highly regarded  Golf Course.   We were entertained by a fantastic band, that played into the night, and were severed a delicious wine from domaine de chaberton. The winery is a personal favorite of mine and I was so pleased to be able to enjoy the wine!I am pretty certain the “blend” of delicious white wine, contained  Bacchus, a white they are famous for!

The night ended with a spectacular display  of stunning fire works that are as fantastic as any I have seen and there were only a few hundred feet away, along the river and of course, being that this was an invitation only and private event, there were no traffic issues. We left the evening at around 10:10 and arrived home at 11:00 pm.  It was very enjoyable, that it wasn’t  such a long drive and certainly had we have been in Vancouver  the drive would  have been longer and the traffic intense.

On a final note the Fraser Blues, leader, George who is also the manager of the Langley Airport was the lead of the Snowbirds and Langley Airport will be celebrating their 75th anniversary the week of June 19th. On Friday, June 21 they are having 75 planes fly in procession in and out of the airport to represent their 75 years! it starts at 5:30 and i will be there!


What a night! Please enjoy the pictures and videos here.




























Thanks again Betty Anne and Doug and Chris! Wonderful night!


Domestic Violence…. a story I know well…

I decided to do something different from now on and hold my interviews in my kitchen. It’s real, authentic, natural and an easy way for women to share their stories.

When I first met Kamal Dhillon, she had not yet written her book. She has connected with me several years back when I was producing television and had asked me if I knew of someone who could help her tell her story.  I don’t know if I was any help to her back then, but she clearly felt she needed to write her book.

Black and Blue Sari is her work,   BLACK AND BLUE SARI –  her story  and she is one of my friends and a true personal woman hero.    Kamal wrote her book as part of her healing and the healing of her children. Black and Blue Sari is her story of truth, pain, trauma, and all that is ugly to us as humans and yet found her way to forgiveness and hope. It was my honor to interview her.

More on Kamal here Read more:

Kamal Dhillon, pictured with her dog P.J., is the recipient of the Courage to Come Back Award in the social-adversity category. Dhillon was beaten by her husband for several years before fleeing in the middle of the night with her children. She now offers talks about domestic violence and counsels battered women.


If you need help….. go to : When Love Hurts

Listen to Kamal’s brave and transparent story right here as she shares with me in my kitchen:



Sandpiper Golf Course – Jim and Candace take a golf cart ride!

Join Jim and I for a fun ride on a golf cart around the spectacular Sandpiper Golf Course in Harrison Mills, B.C. 

Come and joins us for some fun!! By the way.. if you haven’t guessed by now, Candace knows NOTHING about Golf except that she ISN’T supposed to be on the golf course!

Golf Cart Tour- Video #1

Video #2

Video # 3

Video #4

Video #5

Video #6

Video #7

Video #8

Video #9

Video #10

Video #11

Video #12

Video #13

Video #14


Rowena’s Inn on the River, Harrison Mills, B.C.

Special thanks to Betty Anne -owner of Rowena’s Inn on the River, Harrison Mills, B.C. for her amazing vision for the property that has been in her family for many years.  Betty Anne is now soul owner after the passing of all her siblings and parents.  She has envisioned an amazing bed and breakfast that is so much more.   We enjoyed a wonderful weekend that can only be described in my video blog (see link below) and we ended the day with a golf cart driven by Jim around the amazing property that includes a 2100 foot air strip!

Click Below to Book your weekend now!




Street Cat Designs- Right out of Beautiful, Vancouver, British Columbia

At the recent large home show in Vancouver, held at BC Place,  I came across a booth that made me instantly walk over!  I love jewelery, who doesn’t, but I particularly love jewelery that is truly unique and innovative.  After introducing myself to the designer, Pam Jackson, I oohed and awed over her unique and classy designer bracelets that she intricately  crocheted out of silver and gold wire!! Yes, you heard me.. she crocheted this gorgeous piece of jewelry!! Please feel free to check out her designs for yourself!! Pamela, they are truly gorgeous, made in BC!

Check her out at




UBC Sauder School of Business “Miss Representation” Panel Jan. 17, 2013

Once again, thanks to my friend Stephanie Morgan-Black from the Vancouver Board of Trade, Women’s Leadership Circle   I was invited to be part of another Miss Representation panel. This time it was hosted by the UBC Sauder School of Business.

I absolutely love this documentary as it provides a format for many diverse discussions, opinions and life changing opportunities for ALL people, everywhere.  Miss Representation is making a difference while providing an opportunity to change the way our youth experience media and the every present negative values that advertisers insist on to sell things we fundamentally don’t need.

My passion is that one day,  everyone, everywhere, will understand what it is to treat one another with the highest level of human dignity we can provide. Let’s honor the human race we are all a part of and become great “Citizens of the World” using COURAGE  in exchange for fear, and do what we can to provide respect to all.

Using the power of our higher intelligence we have the responsibility  to lift  up one another, sharing this world  with honor, regardless of gender, race, values, or any other barrier our limitations create.

Please enjoy the dialogue and interviews and find out more about what you can do to change the direction of the world we created in media by committing ourselves to be messengers of catalytic,  positive change, ultimately achieving ” Gender Blindness”.

Interview with Denise Baker, Assistant Dean, Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre

Click here: Interview-Denise Baker

Interview with Bob G. Elton, Former CEO BC Hydro Corporation

Click here: Interview- Bob Elton

Interview with Darlene Forst Producer at Skydance Entertainment Inc.

Click: Darlene Forst


From left to right:

Click here: Panel Discussions

Moderator, Mary Lynn Young, Associate Dean of Faculty of Arts at UBC, Candace Newton-Chaput, President, Unlocking Secrets for Women Resources Inc.,  Bob Elton, Former CEO BC Hydro, Darlene Forst, President Sky Dance Entertainment Inc.






Jeremy’s Place- A Compassionate Response in Memory of a Precious Child

Recently, I was invited to the Open House of  The Honourable Linda Reid for Christmas celebrations.  As usual, there are always amazing people to meet and this time was no different.  My husband Jim and I were introduced to many amazing people that support Linda and the work she does on behalf of all of us. After giving Linda a hug, she pointed to a woman I had already noticed across the room and said ” you need to know about this woman”.   

Seeing this sweet woman’s warm smile, I introduced my husband and myself and began tolistento an amazing story of a precious child who lost his little life to domestic violence. I listened to how this family began the work of healing with the support of others and their committment to prevent this from happening to another child.  Sadly out of heartache comes all the efforts that make a difference in the life of others. Through community support and a successful goal to  provide education around this tradgedy, this amazing womanand her group of volunteers, work out of their home in a small office, with little to no funding to ensure that educational tools, pajama’s and other items are provided to benefit those victimized by domestic violence. I witnessed repeated acts of violence growing up and was a victim myself.  Although I left home at the young of 12 the effects remain and the value of a child is marred by self doubt and blame. I have worked very hard in spite of many circumstances and situations to grow and learn. I didn’t have many tools back then, and did the best I could to gain as much information and education as I needed while trying to raise my own 4 children, without this much needed support in my own life.  

I value the work and focus that Jeremy’s foundation is committed to. Had I have had these resources when I was growing up, perhaps my life would have looked different. But for now, all I can do is be grateful for lesson’s learned and lend my support and story to organizations such as this that are working with the little that they have to make a difference to children everywhere!

Thank you to everyone at Jeremy’s place for this unsung hero’s work benefiting many.  Your efforts are not unnoticed and although often unseen, they make the life of a child who has experienced domestic violence, or witnessed it, a hopeful one!

For more information on Jeremy’s Memorial Foundation click  here:

Bless you and in all that you do! I support your work

L,J,K – (love, joy, kindness)

Candace Newton -Chaput

Thoughts- Is life fair? Our new book series kicks it off with breasts and cancer!

Tonight a new friend has just had both breasts removed because of cancer and is also ironically the author of the first book in our newest series called The Not So Common Sense Guide to ______ Breastfeeding- (Stay tuned to our new series on many topics by many experts and ordinary people coming soon).

In her new ebook,  she wisely shared her sage but practical experience for all the moms who struggle with the “natural” task of breast feeding and at the same time  gave honor to the breasts that fed her babies, just before having her surgery to remove them. How ironic that what naturally gave life to her babies was going to harm her if not removed!

I  texted her to let her know I was thinking of her after her procedure today and she was being very brave, yet was vulnerable about the pain she was in at the time. She has been silence since… I hope it’s because she is resting comfortably and without pain.

I sit here in my family room after working all day and thinking that it’s bed time after watching Oprah’s behind the scenes program about building her network and trying to listen for lessons to be learned for myself.  While recovering from pneumonia and wondering why things have to be so darn hard for so many people, I think about my friend her and another dear friend in the US  who is trying to keep a dream and business alive in spite of set backs. There is just so much going on and no one is immune.

My new friend with the breast surgery today  is a very brave single mom with 3 teenagers who has been reluctantly unemployed in spite of her amazing talent, gifts and resume.   For her to have to have this surgery, so intensely dramatic and so close to the holidays without a viable income, is too much to ask of one person.  I hate cancer. It has no good purpose, yet it seems to have it’s way far too much.  In spite of these challenges I am reminded of what the real Dr. Patch Adams told me a few years back when I discussed with my him my baby granddaughter’s cancer (whom by the way is fully recovered).  He said “don’t let cancer define her”.. in other words, don’t let cancer rear it’s head and steal attention from all the good things in life..  I guess I just feel that cancer doesn’t deserve that much of a platform.  So tonight I honor my new friend and  think of her physical challenges she is embarking on and say ” good for you Julie to ensure that it doesn’t take much of a chunk out of your life” (literally speaking)  I say to you  look at this challenge  in the face, the way you have all your others  and say what I heard from Fran Drescher when we interviewed her in LA a few years ago…. cancer???? SCHMANCER!!!!

Lots of love and good thoughts out to you my new friend…. looking forward to seeing you up and around and with a less saggy pair of boobs!! lol…

Stay tuned for one of the first books in our new series by our newest author, who has just overcome cancer!!

L, J, K

(Love, Joy, Kindness)


So Excited to offer you FREE Help……today and Wednesday!

I am very excited to offer you this amazing relationship support from New York Times Best Seller, Laura Doyle!!!

Today and Wednesday Nov. 15, 2012 she is offering a free phone call for singles and marrieds who want to learn what they can do to find the love of their lives or keep the love alive!!  Many of you know that I met my wonderful husband Jim, as a result of reading The Surrendered Single after discovering her book on a trip to LA!  The book changed my life and I met the man of my dreams… you can too! Learn how here

This is NOT a “quick fix” magical false promise manipulation, but rather a true and  honest inward growth that allows you to see what might have been keeping you from experiencing real love in your life.

Do yourself a favor.. it’s free…. contact Laura and sign up for her free phone call!  You won’t be sorry!
Are you ready to super-charge your relationship?

I am writing this to tell you about an extraordinary woman and a life-altering seminar that will inject passion, intimacy, and fulfillment into your relationship – immediately (and it’s f*ree!). My colleague and New York Times best-selling author, Laura Doyle, has created a unique, simple, and highly effective philosophy that has helped hundreds of thousands of women in 26 countries achieve the relationships that have always dreamed of.

Laura is partnering with the co-founder of “Heart’s Desire,” Gladys Diaz, to present an eye-opening tele-seminar called:

“Mind-Blowing Relationship Tools that Work Immediately”

Monday, November 12th
9:00 PM Eastern

Mindblowing Relationship Tools That Work Immediately

In this transformational seminar, you will hear about a controversial – yet completely natural – approach to relationships that’s guaranteed to give you the joy and intimacy you have always craved. Specifically, you’ll learn:

• The indispensable first step to achieving a passionate relationship.
• What makes you totally irresistible to your man (and it’s not about the way you look!).
• 3 phrases that guarantee intimacy to get the connection you crave.
• Why he’ll want to do more for you when you start doing less for him.

And so much more!

At the end of this Free call, you’ll be excited to apply these secrets immediately to achieve the relationship of your dreams. You will learn how to make yourself happy in a way that will make him want to please you. Watch him become more manly when you become more womanly (this is the fun part!).

If your relationship has become stagnant – or if you want to strengthen an already amazing relationship – you owe it to yourself and your man to attend this seminar. You have nothing to lose, but your unfulfilled desires!

Here is the link to the site for more info and registration:

Mindblowing Relationship Tools That Work Immediately

Date: Monday, November 12th 2012

Time: 9:00 PM Eastern
(that’s 8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific)

Ill be there! Will you?
LJK, Candace

P.S. Spots on this f*ree call are limited. Reserve yours now!