I am very excited to offer you this amazing relationship support from New York Times Best Seller, Laura Doyle!!!
Today and Wednesday Nov. 15, 2012 she is offering a free phone call for singles and marrieds who want to learn what they can do to find the love of their lives or keep the love alive!! Many of you know that I met my wonderful husband Jim, as a result of reading The Surrendered Single after discovering her book on a trip to LA! The book changed my life and I met the man of my dreams… you can too! Learn how here http://www.mcssl.com/app/?af=1500390
This is NOT a “quick fix” magical false promise manipulation, but rather a true and honest inward growth that allows you to see what might have been keeping you from experiencing real love in your life.
Do yourself a favor.. it’s free…. contact Laura and sign up for her free phone call! You won’t be sorry!
Are you ready to super-charge your relationship?
I am writing this to tell you about an extraordinary woman and a life-altering seminar that will inject passion, intimacy, and fulfillment into your relationship – immediately (and it’s f*ree!). My colleague and New York Times best-selling author, Laura Doyle, has created a unique, simple, and highly effective philosophy that has helped hundreds of thousands of women in 26 countries achieve the relationships that have always dreamed of.
Laura is partnering with the co-founder of “Heart’s Desire,” Gladys Diaz, to present an eye-opening tele-seminar called:
“Mind-Blowing Relationship Tools that Work Immediately”
Monday, November 12th
9:00 PM Eastern
Mindblowing Relationship Tools That Work Immediately
In this transformational seminar, you will hear about a controversial – yet completely natural – approach to relationships that’s guaranteed to give you the joy and intimacy you have always craved. Specifically, you’ll learn:
• The indispensable first step to achieving a passionate relationship.
• What makes you totally irresistible to your man (and it’s not about the way you look!).
• 3 phrases that guarantee intimacy to get the connection you crave.
• Why he’ll want to do more for you when you start doing less for him.
And so much more!
At the end of this Free call, you’ll be excited to apply these secrets immediately to achieve the relationship of your dreams. You will learn how to make yourself happy in a way that will make him want to please you. Watch him become more manly when you become more womanly (this is the fun part!).
If your relationship has become stagnant – or if you want to strengthen an already amazing relationship – you owe it to yourself and your man to attend this seminar. You have nothing to lose, but your unfulfilled desires!
Here is the link to the site for more info and registration:
Mindblowing Relationship Tools That Work Immediately
Date: Monday, November 12th 2012
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern
(that’s 8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific)
Ill be there! Will you?
LJK, Candace
P.S. Spots on this f*ree call are limited. Reserve yours now!