Thoughts- Is life fair? Our new book series kicks it off with breasts and cancer!

Tonight a new friend has just had both breasts removed because of cancer and is also ironically the author of the first book in our newest series called The Not So Common Sense Guide to ______ Breastfeeding- (Stay tuned to our new series on many topics by many experts and ordinary people coming soon).

In her new ebook,  she wisely shared her sage but practical experience for all the moms who struggle with the “natural” task of breast feeding and at the same time  gave honor to the breasts that fed her babies, just before having her surgery to remove them. How ironic that what naturally gave life to her babies was going to harm her if not removed!

I  texted her to let her know I was thinking of her after her procedure today and she was being very brave, yet was vulnerable about the pain she was in at the time. She has been silence since… I hope it’s because she is resting comfortably and without pain.

I sit here in my family room after working all day and thinking that it’s bed time after watching Oprah’s behind the scenes program about building her network and trying to listen for lessons to be learned for myself.  While recovering from pneumonia and wondering why things have to be so darn hard for so many people, I think about my friend her and another dear friend in the US  who is trying to keep a dream and business alive in spite of set backs. There is just so much going on and no one is immune.

My new friend with the breast surgery today  is a very brave single mom with 3 teenagers who has been reluctantly unemployed in spite of her amazing talent, gifts and resume.   For her to have to have this surgery, so intensely dramatic and so close to the holidays without a viable income, is too much to ask of one person.  I hate cancer. It has no good purpose, yet it seems to have it’s way far too much.  In spite of these challenges I am reminded of what the real Dr. Patch Adams told me a few years back when I discussed with my him my baby granddaughter’s cancer (whom by the way is fully recovered).  He said “don’t let cancer define her”.. in other words, don’t let cancer rear it’s head and steal attention from all the good things in life..  I guess I just feel that cancer doesn’t deserve that much of a platform.  So tonight I honor my new friend and  think of her physical challenges she is embarking on and say ” good for you Julie to ensure that it doesn’t take much of a chunk out of your life” (literally speaking)  I say to you  look at this challenge  in the face, the way you have all your others  and say what I heard from Fran Drescher when we interviewed her in LA a few years ago…. cancer???? SCHMANCER!!!!

Lots of love and good thoughts out to you my new friend…. looking forward to seeing you up and around and with a less saggy pair of boobs!! lol…

Stay tuned for one of the first books in our new series by our newest author, who has just overcome cancer!!

L, J, K

(Love, Joy, Kindness)


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