DIVA’S THAT CARE! Take a listen!


I am grateful for those moments when we take a chance to “connect”  with women who are doing incredible things that help to change not only their worlds, but others too!

A few months ago I spontaneously decided to join the amazing  Jo Dibble and the Frock Off Group-  at a  weekend away in Portland, Oregon.  It was there that I met more inspiring women! Not only did these women overcome some unbelievable obstacles during their lifetime, they have taken their lives back and are incredible gifts to all of us!  Each of these women have their own unique story, or are part of creating platforms for others to benefit from. Learning about how they are dancing forward in grace and dignity and building successful networks and business’s to make their mark in the world was a real honour!

CANDACE GISH  One lovely woman I met, is Candace Gish-  click here to learn about “Candace Gish”....Not only was there a connection because of our matching names * “spelled correctly in my opinion”..lol  but she is kind and gracious and successful and creating her own unique pathways!  *(regarding our names, if you don’t believe me, ancient text in the bible identifies the “Queen of Ethiopia” – her name was “Candace”!)  Acts 8:27-There he met an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasury. ”  Queen Candace was a successful leader!  Coincidence?? I think not!!!

For those of us who step out and try and make a difference with our life experiences, obstacles and challenges I PROMISE you.. we have more in common than what drives us apart!  We are ALL insecure, scared and in need of internal adjustments! However, we certainly can embrace our imperfections with humour and compassion, while lovingly asking more from ourselves!!

Personal growth is imperative to OUR own success! Living our lives in the “light” (transparent exposure)  can be scary when we can see everything that we like and don’t like about ourselves and others. However, success isn’t about getting it all together and being perfect- it’s about embracing our true self (the good, the bad and the ugly) and finding comfort in that balance of being human. WHEW!  The pressure is off ! If I have a safe place to land (hint: I AM that safe place to land) when I make mistakes then that is how we learn to love others, while learning to love ourselves!

Candace reached out to me and invited me to participate in her Divas that Care Podcast! So for those that want to hear the two Candace’s chat (well mostly me cause I am a talker… necessary for filling in dead air space in radio lol)… Check it out here! CANDACENEWTONCHAPUT-THE MISSING PIECE

Diva’s that Care is creating a platform  of amazing women, with amazing stories, resources and expertise to share!  Not only do they have a podcast, but so much more! You can purchase their book on Amazon!

Click here!

Thank you Candace for the opportunity to share some of my journey! To Learn more about Candace Gish and what she offers go to: DIVASTHATCARE.COM

“Fear nothing but to betray yourself, for if you lose your Best Friend (you) who will watch over you?” Candace Newton Chaput- Unlocking Secrets for Women Resources Inc. (Click here to learn more about coaching and resources)

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