Wedding photos- see here!

Special thanks goes to Susie Innes of Kind Light Photography for all the photos you see below! Susie is worth every minute she gives to making your wedding day special! She is dedicated, hard working and cares about the people she photographs!! Please log on to and get your photography needs with her!!

Additional Thanks to Brittany Newton, who did my make up and did a fantastic job!!! Thanks so much Brittany!! You are kind, gracious and a sweet girl!!

Here are some shots of my sweet husband and myself on our wedding day, July 21, 2012~

We were so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family join us overlooking the ocean as we started our new lives together!



Do you love birds?? Donations urgently needed.. Parrot Island Exotic Bird Sanctuary.

This weekend, on our way to a wonderful labour day weekend with friends in the Okanagan Region of British Columbia, Canada, we decided to make an spontaneous stop in Peachland!  I have a natural curiosity for life and I saw a sign that said “Parrot Island”.  That is all it took for me to ask my husband to stop!! I am so very glad I did!

Please learn more about this amazing place and see the videos we captured.  see below.

Parrot Island is a unique sanctuary for exotic birds run by Ray Parkes and his wife Valerie. They have devoted their lives to the preservation of these beautiful animals for the benefit of all.

Ray and Valerie also run a program whereby birds are matched up with individuals in the Okanagan Valley that could benefit from the love and companionship of one of these amazing birds. Both end up benefiting from the mutual love and affection they both share.

To learn more, or make a donation go here:

See Candace interviewing Ray and taking some great shots of the birds.. it’s a little noisy!:-)

See More here:


And here to see all the birds!   Copy and paste this link directly into your browser:

Just 2 hours out of the Fraser Valley in Peachland, its worth every minute!  Tell them Candace from Unlocking Secrets for Women sent you!

To offer a donation or ask about adopting a beautiful exotic bird contact Ray Parkes:

Phone: (250) 767-9030 or  Email:

LJK, Love, Joy, Peace…. pass it on!




Possibility-a new approach ?

I love when I wake up with new insights.  We are so blessed to be guests of our good friends The Warchols – Vera, Dave,Danny and Raquel  here in beautiful Vernon BC.

With a wonderful meal and excellent conversation and love all around , many things come to mind when I sleep.  This morning my revelation is :


” disability, is the inability, to see possibility”

Isn’t that incredible?  If you can’t see that is what is in front of you is simply an obstacle waiting to be overcome, then it’s time to renew how you think”!

Not sure where these little pieces of wisdom come from, but I’m listening to my own words- just plain truth.

LJK. Love,joy, kindness.  Pass it on.


Amazing homegrown BC Talent!

Every once in a while I am privileged to watch and experience the talent of a young person expand and grow over the years and in this case, I have had this opportunity with this young woman since she was 12 years old.

Meet, the amazing and gifted Raquel Warchol; an uber talented singer, songwriter, musician and gift of joy to young people and adults a like.

Her sweet spirit and multiple talent has had her singing all over the world, including the opening of the Beijing Olympics and just recently back from Nashville where she has been writing  up a storm.  I have been listening to one of her newest singles and it’s amazing! Can’t stop!

Since Raquel was 9 years old and writing her own mature and insightful songs, and in spite of her experiences around the world, she is a  testament to a wholesome, loving young woman surrounded by her loving parents and family!  It is our pleasure this weekend to join them in Vernon and get to enjoy Raquel and her wonderful mom, dad and brother, up close and personal in her own home!

Have a listen to one of her newest songs:

LJK… Love, Joy, Kindness… pass it on!


My idea of Wholeness

Where do we find wholeness? We think it might come from a fabulous relationship that we “finally find”, or a great job, or lots of money and material things, or even a great education.

Although finding these things might be the idea of “wholeness” and could be a”popular” thought,  its all pretty much based on circumstances and requires a level of control over things we simply don’t have.

Wholeness, comes from a deep and abiding sense of knowing that you are committed to the deepest respect for self and others and showing up in all that you do in life, with integrity.    Wholeness comes from not being at war with your own conscience and looking in the mirror, knowing you have nothing to hide  or you are ashamed off- based on your own conduct.

When we find the courage to live our lives in honesty and transparency and vulnerability, regardless of others, then we have found the wholeness we seek. Nothing can fill that void created when you are at war within yourself.

I have a key note speaking message that I developed years ago based on personal experience.   I often found my friendships with celebrities and their public life challenging, particularly when we became friends and  other people wanted to try and access to them, through me.

Here are some things I learned:

“Do the Right Thing, at the Right Time, for the Right Reasons!” “THREE RIGHTS”! TM”- “Empowering Messages for a Quality Life.” © USFW Resources Inc.

Some of the life principles I live by are are:

– Don’t let fear make decisions for you-its always a poor indicator of the real situation. © USFW Resources Inc.

– Give more than you receive- the blessing has been secretly planted in the giving, not the getting. © USFW Resources Inc.

– Demonstrate integrity with the contacts that you have been given. Never use them for gain that is less then integral. © USFW Resources Inc.

– Own your own life. Never ask others for what you must give to yourself. © USFW Resources Inc.

Next time, I will share with you my window cleaning analogy! Stay tuned.

LJK, Love, Joy, Kindness! Pass it on!



So you think you are intelligent?

Today, I am sharing writing about one of my most favorite topics. These are two words that when mixed together, demonstrate one of my favorite subjects,  ” emotional intelligence”

According to research and several websites,  emotional intelligence basically comes down to a level of maturity that doesn’t come just because you are an adult.

Take a look at this article

In fact, if you think because you are “emotional”  and that makes you  intelligent, then you are mistaken.

One of the biggest signs of emotional intelligence is your ability to understand how people think and work out your problems with dignity and respect and restore relationships that are broken because of misunderstanding.

Marks of a lack of emotional intelligence:

1. Judging- thinking you have “facts” usually (gossip someone passed on, or their perspective) about someone without ever asking or seeking to understand, and as a result keeping you locked into anger and cold withdrawal.

2. Holding grudges- this definitely demonstrates an immature response and one that will keep you stunted emotionally.

3. Lack of forgiveness- or thinking you have the power to withhold it from others- This is a God like complex and you should probably take a good look in the mirror.  I don’t think you are God.

4. Letting anger and a lack of understanding keep you from restoring broken relationships.

If you have any of these qualities, yet insist that you are emotionally mature, think again!

We all need to grow up… time for you too!

LJK, Love, Joy, Kindness…. pass it on!


A beautiful act of forgiveness

I have had the privilege of witnessing one of the most powerful expressions of forgiveness I have seen in my life and I have seen many.

This story is so tender and so touching, that I am certain it will move you to think about the sorrow you may have experienced and to be able to find a way to move on perhaps from your own pain.

Although there are others who were a part of this heart-wrenching story, this point of view is from a daddy’s perspective. We are all very familiar with the perspective of a woman and a mother, as they are comfortable discussing such deep issues, but men are different in most cases.

With permission from the father, I share this story of healing and forgiveness in the hope that you, who read this, might understand forgiveness and the power in your hands to offer it.

There was a man, who many years ago, lost his precious little girl to an act of human error.  She was beautiful, healthy, perfect and innocent. The complexity, tragedy of errors and human failure, became a “perfect storm” and resulted in the devastating loss of a precious first-born child. There is no reason this should have ever have happened.  I am told, the pregnancy was perfect in every way right up until the day of the labor, and there were no concerns.

The father in this case, tells me he left the hospital believing that the baby died naturally. It was only when a short time later, someone provided enough information to compel questions about what had really happened. To his horror, the truth came out with facts that had been hidden, due to the fear of professional failure. They were simply afraid of being found out and tried to cover up the terrible disaster.

Fear is a terrible thing. It can crush, destroy and in this case, did more damage than anyone could ever comprehend.

One can only imagine the crushing pain, loss and betrayal experienced by this daddy and the others deeply affected, upon discovering the human error and cover-up.

Although deep compassion and care is extended to the mother as well for this devastating story, it is the father we focus on in this case, as we fully understand this from a woman’s point of view. For a man, this is different, it is deep and hidden.

As a man, for the most part, their natural instinct is to protect their child and their family from danger. With their great strength and dignity, there comes a confidence in knowing they can protect those they love from harm. To experience this tragedy and to blame one’s self for not being able to accomplish this basic fundamental task as a father, was emotionally devastating. He had no idea the impact on himself and his future belief in his ability to protect his family in the face of such crushing powerlessness.

For almost 25 years this man cried when he saw a baby, or child, or was repeatedly tormented in his sleep with dreams over and over. His dreams repeatedly showed the hand of the nurses laying down a chart with a vital strip that would have made all the difference in the world if had it have been attended to, as it should have.

This man recalls the amount of pain suffered as a result of the loss not only of the precious innocent one, but loss of natural imbedded trust that was violated. It was never to be returned until now.

The trust,  broken deep within, on so many levels was exchanged for an overall experience of being under the control of fears and insecurities that were impossible to address in every aspect, until the time was right for healing. He suffered more than words can describe as he was the strong silent type. He had to buffer so much of the pain, yet still try and carry on and provide for a family he knew deep down, he had failed to protect. Although it was not his error, his pain showed up in failure and he  blamed himself. How could he have not known? The natural instinct of a man to protect when experienced this way, can leave a man without effort, energy or hope.  How can he trust himself ever again to protect what he had committed to do? He felt defeated, broken and was just a young man-starting out. Despite years of counseling and a commitment to trying, it was a failure and the healing never came. It would take years before this pain would ever be resolved.

Along his journey, at one time, because of this deep wound, his failure to understand it, and the fears of someone close to him, he was cruelly forced into a position to have his precious baby daughter’s memory used as a tool against him. The intention was understood to be that of a desperate and fearful person trying to comfort their own fears and hurt, and used his precious daughter’s memory as a litmus test for truth.

When confronted by a situation, as a result of his own failures, he was shocked by the request and was unable to respond in a way that gave the person what they were seeking.  To try and recover from the tragic loss so many years before and now have this desperate method to expose “truth” and to use the death of a child to hold another person emotionally hostage, is cruelty at it worst. This person was seeking their comfort because of fears and insecurities and nothing good could have ever come out of it. It wasn’t the right method and naturally he failed the test.

How could anyone pass this test? It was the core of his pain, his precious baby lost and children and they were being used to “trap him”, all to make another person feel safe.  How could anyone do that to another, for the sake of their own safety?  In this story, we maybe can understand although wrong, how we as humans use desperate measures to protect ourselves without counting the cost.

We as people are weak, every one of us. We all do things that are wrong when we don’t know how to handle our pain.

After years of agony, continuing losses and being cruelly misunderstood for years and no one ever really understanding his own pain, this man had emotionally had enough. His heavy and broken heart began to cry out for freedom from years of pain and hurt. The journey was going to be long and more rejection and more suffering and misunderstanding and accusations were going to come, and they did. Thoughtless and cold hardness of heart, born out of inherited ignorance and fear,  became his experience as he sought to find relief from the pain.  He sought to be understood, hoped and wished that his pain and hurt was acceptable to those that professed to love him.  His pain manifested in ways misunderstood by those blinded by their own judgments of what and how they thought he should express his pain. They did not understand, that brokenness inside of someone is expressed uniquely and they added to his pain and hurt. He was crushed by judgments over weight gained through sorrow and told he was fat and lazy. They couldn’t see his broken heart and his hurt was too deep to tell them.

They laughed at him for crying over silly things, not realizing the pain was trying to find its way out.   They demanded he provide for them financially, letting him feel that his only worth was what he could give them, yet couldn’t see the human being they were using and crushing with their judgment.

All of this, because they felt superior and they judged the pain of another.  He endured, with a broken heart  and yet, instead of giving up, he found a way to try and come out of the dark cloud of judgment and rejection, and he fought on; he needed to find his peace, with or without the love of his family.

It was their problem to learn to love and humble themselves and learn how pain manifests in others, their growing up was not his problem anymore. All he could do what stand at a distance and quietly hope they would one day want to hear.

As he pressed on always trying to climb out from under the acute suffering accelerated by selfish people, the day came for  his life to change.

Out of the ashes of pain, not so long ago, this man had a dream.  He woke up from the dream with tears pouring down his face and voiced the message he had heard in his dream.  He dreamed he was in a coffee shop with the doctor that was in charge of the pregnancy all those many years ago.  He knew from the devastating investigation that it was clearly nursing and hospital procedural error, but this man, like many of us do, needed to blame someone and he had held the doctor responsible. In his mind after all, the doctor was “captain” of the ship that day and his devastation blinded him. The fingers pointing of blame were strong and certain, not easily letting go, until that night.

This life changing night, this dream, was sent to free him, to tell him of something different.  In this dream he saw himself telling the doctor, “it’s not your fault, I forgive you”.  He woke up crying. Something was new, something different.

He had to find the doctor.  Doubts and fears surrounding him and from his years of rejection but  he fought past it and  found the courage to go to the effort of finding her and called the Dr’s office.  At first, the office staff were guarded, not sure of his intentions. Strangely, the receptionist had just recently heard the story the week before from the doctor herself after all these years. Was this a coincidence or was this a confirmation that hope was on its way?

After almost 25 years, this man and the doctor met. They were both afraid, but knew life had brought them to this place. He told her of his dream and through sobs of heartache and pain kept in for so many years, he finally released the words needing to be understood and expressed, ” I forgive you, it was not your fault, you are free, I release you”.

The doctor, moved with emotion and the release of years of heartache, broke down and together, they closed a chapter in history.

There are many lessons and yet the most profound here is that truth sets free.  If truth had been released long ago, it would have brought healing. Truth always shows compassion, it always wants to learn more and doesn’t settle at anger and judgment.  That isn’t truth, it was pieces of facts without understanding and was caged in by insecurity. Frankly speaking, it reflects a lack of emotional intelligence.

The wisdom found in this story, in the midst of excruciating sorrow and fear, is that we hear or experience things,  and we believe what we hear and see, and  it sounds and feels like the truth, is not always as it seems. He thought he believed “truth” but it was incomplete, perhaps much like yours is.    If there is separation and division, your “truth” is  incomplete and frankly speaking wrong and destructive.

Healing did not take place for years because he just didn’t’ have the “truth” and neither did those who professed to love him. Yet, he has now experienced forgiveness, offering it and he understands and extends it all to those who have contributed to the pain.  Unchecked pain, left such a huge mess in the lives of  many,  including his.

Those who believed the pieces of truth they thought they had, without understanding, continue to add to  his sorrow, but he learns to forgive daily, knowing that they don’t have the truth either.

Not everyone wants truth and sometimes they are not ready…. he waits for the day when others will want to see love and when they do, he will be ready.

Truth, real truth is much more than facts. It is the whole picture of all that happens, the hearts and intentions of those involved and an understanding and compassion that is rarely present except in the hearts of those who know.

There is an old proverb that says, “knowledge (facts) puffs (makes you proud and think you are right) but understanding (knowing and seeing and understanding the hearts of all involved) brings life”.
Knowledge, in this case means, information. For sure, cold hard facts were present; they failed to bring about any kind of comprehension or understanding that would bring about the necessary compassion and release, all those many years ago.

The lack of wise counselors or correct help was evident.

No one blames the person who has experienced this kind of loss, as the pain is excruciating.   But after a while, effective counseling and compassionate care could ensure that there is full healing. Very few know how to bring this about, and it’s not a common strength with counselors.

Most of us accept “facts” as truth. But we have to know that “truth” does not divide, but brings wholeness.

Pieces of “truth” coupled with wrong beliefs, divide and never bring the desired result.

This man had the opportunity to experience what it was like to hold power over someone because of “facts” or “truth” and yet had not found healing until now.  He found the heart to be willing to open himself to “truth” and to release. When he did just that, he simply found another human, broken and devastated and extended the hand of healing.

Oh the things we could learn if we only let go and open our hearts to “real truth”…….

L, J, K, – Love, joy, kindness- pass it on,





What if …… are wrong?

What if your whole concept of adversity is wrong? What if adversity was a tool given to you to use for your own growth, but you resisted it’s intention and have failed to grow as you desire?

What if the very things you feared, tried to fight and were resisting your whole life long, are  the very tools needed to propel you into freedom?

What if you didn’t understand the caterpillar and the process of metamorphosis designed within nature itself, to bring about new life?

What if you didn’t understand the caterpillar’s limited life in its current form, with it’s only ability to slowly inch it’s body along the leaves and grass, never reaching the skies and flowers filled with heavenly nectar in its caterpillar state?

What if you didn’t understand the sacredness within the cocoon as the caterpillar surrenders to the process in a vulnerable and unrestrained trust, inexplicable to the human mind?

What if you didn’t understand why it yields what is has only every known, to a process that it has never known, to take it to a dimension not possible without trust, resulting in the stunning  creation of the exquisite beauty of a butterfly?

What if you didn’t understand that a baby chick desiring to be born from the shell needs to do it’s own work to pick it’s way out of its shell, strengthening it’s neck in the process, so it can live in wholeness?

What if you could grasp the concept that adversity is powerless over you and in fact is intended for you to use it for the fuel and energy it really is ?

What if you really understood how much you need it, how resisting it can stunt your internal growth and how if you use it by recognizing it’s intended use, can springboard you into the stratosphere of  complete and utter freedom declaring, “I am not afraid of anything”, rendering you truly and absolutely free??

What if……… you had it all wrong?

I fell in love with a painting in 2008 when I saw what an amazing talented artist created…. it depicted all that I knew and understood about freedom…

100% Chance of Reine is a stunning purchasable portrait from my dear cousin and uuber talented artist, Reine Mihtla

GO TO to learn more about her, her work and freedom…


Handling our hurts………. timely message

I was sitting here at my desk today and thinking about relationships, particularily from a woman’s point of view, as that is all I have 🙂

My eyes filled up with tears and my heart was saddedend by the countless of hurts experienced by women through the loss of a significant relationship in their lives and their reactions to that loss.

When a woman is invested emotionally in a marriage, she gives her full self.   After all, in nature, I believe she is the relationship expert to a degree. Women have an interest in the outcome of a relationship and how it’s doing and whether or not it needs a boost.  Often times women have the natural intuition to discern a relationship problem , but through one reason or another lack the discernment to be able to determine what to do and whether their emotional reactions are to their own fears, or what is really a relationship concern that needs addressing.

As I think about the countless amount of woman that I know or have experienced in my life that have ended a long term relationship, the one thing that stands out to me, is how they handle their hurt when it ends or they fear it is ending.  I really think that when a woman either doesn’t know by example or has never considered how she shows up in her hurts, she can unintentionally do damage that is crushing to herself and the family she invested in.  Her own hurts, left unchecked can be devestating to those around her as she is operating from hurt not wholeness.

If you are that woman, my heart goes out to you. Get some support from wise women…….. they are sometimes harder to find that you know!

I’m always open to support, comfort, care and help with suggestions on moving ahead in wholeness……….. I’m here for you…



l j k

Another beautiful morning -waking up to my best friend, lover, companion and love of my life….
The acronym for three words I adore.
Those who have known me for a significant amount of time are aware that I wear 3 silver bracelets on my right arm ( instead of tattoos) that I bought in 2009 in San Gabriel California ) – It stands for  Love, Joy , Kindness  and they are stamped into the silver bands I wear.  Hence marking my blogs and letters with LJK :-).
JKL (Joy,  kindness and love) seems like more, ” joykill” and in that order doesn’t make sense as LOVE is the greatest quality we can offer.
I offer that love to all my dear friends and fellow sojourners today. Remember we only have today that we know of – so give to life and others knowing that’s all you have – moment by moment.

LJK… pass it on… just never know who needs it today……….