Please Help Me Remember Your Name- Laverne Gfroerer

Please Help Me Remember Your Name

 Laverne Gfroerer –  Music for Healing

An elderly woman was standing in line at the bank, arm in arm with her son Gordon. She had progressing Alzheimer’s and was wending her way graciously through increasing moments of confusion and fog. A woman, obviously a long-time friend, greeted her with loving enthusiasm and the elderly woman looked, for a moment, lost. Then she gathered herself together, smiled and said, “I know that you know me, and that I must know you, but my memory is not very good these days. Please help me remember your name.”

Her son, so moved by her grace as this illness took hold, by how she was able to not pretend to know someone, but simply state how things were for her, wrote a song, a moving tribute of a son to a mother. It is a gift to us all. Here is one verse of the song.

Please Help Me Remember Your Name

written by Gordon Light

Please help me remember your name, my mind goes to sleep, I’m a little ashamed

I don’t mean to slight you but I’m asking again, please help me remember your name.

A time may well come when the dark is at hand, when memory dries up and comes to an end.

And who will I be if I forget who I am? Stay close, I’ll be needing a friend,

To help me remember my name, when it’s slipped from my mind and I just can’t explain.

In the grim muddy moments of confusion and pain, please help me remember my name.


Wes Foster lies in his room at Kiwanis Care Centre in North Vancouver, gentle music playing (Finding the Still Point, music for healing). The music is beautiful, peaceful, the Vancouver Chamber Choir in one of its best moments. Foster Is 65, former principal clarinet of the Vancouver Symphony, and an amazing musician and human being.

He was stricken with early onset Alzheimer’s at 56 and now cannot speak or feed himself, but today he knows us and holds our hands tightly. The music has brought him back from the shadows. His brilliant smile and alert eyes connect and we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that for a brief moment he understands. This is both tragic and miraculous, and makes us understand how vital it is that friends find the courage to keep connected, to keep the essence of this man, now so altered, in their hearts.

Andy Hackh was a kind and gentle spirit, manager and stage manager for opera companies and orchestras across the country. He also worked with the Vancouver Chamber Choir for a while and lived for a number of years on the North Shore. In his late 50s he began to struggle with dementia. One night he was beaten in an alley and the dementia took hold. He died at 62 in Riverview Psychiatric Hospital, unable to communicate, lost in a world we can’t understand. The only thing that reached inside and brought back his smile was his opera music, which the care aides played constantly to soothe his anxiety.

Wishing to honour those who struggle with debilitating illnesses, and their remarkable caregivers, the Vancouver Chamber Choir is creating the third and final CD in their Music for Healing Series. Titled A Quiet Place, music for healing III, it completes the circle begun by Finding the Still Point – music for healing, designed for use in palliative care and in alternative therapy sessions, and Unexpected Gifts – music for healing II (the family set – dialogues for families in crisis), designed for families going through the serious illness or loss of a child.

So often those who are struck with debilitating diseases become invisible. Friends and colleagues don’t know how to be with them as they change, so they stay away. It can be a lonely time. The intention of this project is to bring them back into focus, the music providing a time of respite and inner calm. It is our way of saying, ‘You do not stand alone.’

A Quiet Place will be funded by individuals, businesses or circles of friends who wish to dedicate lines or pages in the CD booklet in honour of loved ones who have struggled, or are still struggling with illness. Besides the pages for Foster and Hackh, a number of pages are already being funded for dedication for other North Shore residents:

  • Marion Haney, long time teacher and resident of the North Shore who handled Alzheimer’s with amazing grace.
  • Blaine Woit, who struggled courageously with ALS at a too early age and never lost his spirit.
  • Roger Dancey, stricken with Parkinson’s and the dementia that eventually accompanied it, but a loving gentleman to the end.
  • Dorothea Douglas-Henry/Yates who lived lovingly despite dementia claiming her memory.

If you would like to participate in this project in some way please contact Laverne Gfroerer at or 604-985-3280. More information about sponsorship of this project can be found at and click on the box A Quiet Place.

Laverne Gfroerer is a CGA on the North Shore, a professional singer with the Vancouver Chamber Choir for 30 years and creator (with conductor Jon Washburn) of the Music for Healing series. She is a volunteer healing touch practitioner who works with many people who are struggling or facing their mortality.

 Contact Laverne (above) to see how you can contribute to these beautiful works of healing:
Fill one page of  5 Dedications to go on the lining of the CD- each dedication is $500
Fill one page of 25 dedications of a one liner -each dedication  is $100
A corporate sponsor wishing to contribute to this great project.

If you would like to participate in this project in some way please contact Laverne Gfroerer at or 604-985-3280. More information about sponsorship of this project can be found at and click on the box A Quiet Place.

Ahoy from Anguill!

From Jennifer Simms and kids!
Good morning friends!
After a 21 hour rather hair raising crossing of the Anegada Passage, we made it to Anguilla (in the British West Indies), where it all began when we lived here eight years ago, and where Charlie first envisioned his BIG idea. It has been so nice to see many of our old friends and also make some new ones. We had only been here a few hours when one of our dear old friends shared with us the news about a lovely woman named Renuka Harrigan who started a foundation for special needs children here called the Arijah Children’s Foundation, ( ), named for her 8 year old daughter who was born with Rhett’s Syndrome.
We met Renuka that afternoon and spent several hours the next day with the children at the Blossom Center. We had a wonderful time! What I feared would be a sad, confusing experience for Charlie and Lexi turned into the most amazing joyous, playful and inspiring event I can remember!
I will keep you posted regarding how Bids That Give can support these angel children, and how our miracle gifting continues!
Happily I would like to introduce you to our new friends. Attached please find several photos to share these precious children with you!
(sorry pictures will be available soon)
Jennifer, Charlie and Lexi
PPS. Charlie did a super job filming our day at the Blossom Center and we will send you the link as soon as he is done editing.

Jennifer Simms and her two kids and their ocean adventures, random acts of kindness! Read on!

Below is a chronicled  blog of Jennifer Simms and her two children, Lexi and Charlie!  Charlie when he was six had a vision that he wanted to learn to sail and go around the world and do random acts of kindness!! Charile is now 15 and he and his mom and sister are doing just that.. and if that’s not enough they are filming it for a pilot for a reality series!  Please check out the story below:
SEPTEMBER 27, 2012
Sweet Candace,
I can’t believe that the day is almost here: we leave Saturday!! Since we spoke last we secured our sponsorship with Bids that Give (  This wonderful group of devoted Christians have created a company that is offereing a revenue sharing program, and best of all, they are giving half of net proceeds to children’s charities.
Here is our itinerary:
week of Oct 1-13 : USVI’s an BVI’s
week of Oct 14-27: St Marten and Anguilla
week of Oct 28-nov4: St Kitts / Nevis
week of ct Nov 5 -18: Antigua / Barbuda
week of Nov 19- Dec 2 : Guadeloupe / Montserrat
week of Dec. 3 – 16: Dominica
week of Dec 17- 30 :St Lucia
week of Dec. 31- Jan 13: Martinique
week of Jan 14- Jan 27: St Vincent and the Grenadines
week of Jan 28 – Feb 10 : Barbados
week of Feb 11-24: Grenada
week of Feb 25 – Mar 10 Trinidad
week of Mar 11- 24 Aruba
And last, I would like to invite you both to join us for a week. The first of each of these two week visits will be for friends and family. We hope to charter the second week in each port via the paenny auction. Here’s the website for the 50 ft trimaran we will be sailing on
We would love to Pay it Forward in Paradise with you!
So grateful to know you..
with love and blessings,
Jennifer, Charlie and Lexi
OCTOBER 1, 2012
Ahoy Mate!! We are here and glad to be back! We just had to go snorkeling today while captain Billy and his fun crew are putting the finishing touches on Opus. The crystal blue water never ceases to amaze me…Lexi got some dog bones form a gal on the beach and if you hold them in your hands the fish will eat from your fingers!!
So I have a meeting tomorrow at 2 pm with Vivian St Juste of the Family Resource Center. I am taking Gary Christianson. He is the guy that I told you has a production company down here. I decided to go for it and pay him to shoot a pilot for us. I think this initial launch is so important for the way we will present this. Maybe we can get some national interest now instead of waiting till we get back. Wouldnt that be wonderful ?? 🙂
So Gary is going to shoot the interview with Vivian and our first acts of kindness here, which we hope to solidify in our discussion with Vivian tomorrrow and make happen by Friday as we are setting sail on Saturday from st thomas headed for the BVI’s to meet David Penn (BTG affilate from Tortolla), and Susan Zaluski and Foxy at the Yost Van Dyke Preservation Society.
We are also going to the closest thing to an orphanage here tomorrow called the Nana Baby Home, which is a place where homeless children (whose parents most likely cannot afford to keep them or take care of their illnesses, or they are simply abandoned) from infants to teens can stay until they find a foster family for them. I think this will be another place we can make a huge difference. I will keep you informed.
So it all begins…we are soooo excited!! The Opus is looking ship shape. Billy has some amazing people helping him do all the re rigging, setting up the solar panels, radar, generator, water maker, scuba gear, maintence, et al….
Our favorite is a crazy Austrailian named Diego who Charlie insists looks just like Jack Sparrow in the Pirates movies…maybe he IS … 🙂
But we love Billy and his new wife Pat. She is such a sweetheart and together they make the perfect team. I just love seeing that…
I’m telling you, this is better than TV !! Whoever wins the auction ,or is brave enough to get on a friggen plane and join us, is going to have the adventure of a lifetime. I should have Gary’s pilot for you within a week or so. In the meantime I will write more soon about our vistit with Vivian and the children at the Nana Baby center.
Best part is, Charlie and Lexi are in heaven…what a dream come true that is!!!
Love and blessings,

Jennifer Charlie and Lexi

OCTOBER 5, 2012
We are doing our big film shoot today with a woman who has twin five year olds and just gave birth to a new girl while living in the emergency shelter. Bids that Give will likely provide 6 months of housing for her in a furnished two bedroom that you can get here for about $750 /mo. What a gift!!
Then the kids and I are going to go there first and decorate the nursery, hang some $$ from the ceiling (our trademark 🙂 and fill her fridge.
Should be sweet. Charlie and Lexi are growing so much already. It’s like watching roses bloom…
We all sit around every night on the docks laughing and telling stories. Diego is the chief mate helping with all the repairs and he looks just like Jack Sparrow. Lexi likes to mimick him and it makes everyone laugh till they cry.
I promise to send some pics soon. We are just focusing on the pilot right now. Our chances of getting this sold are looking good. Very exciting!!
We have to get another generator before we sail so we will be here in US territory with phone and Internet until mid next week..
I will write again soon.
We love you!

Jen, Charlie and Lexi

OCTOBER 14, 2012
Hi dear Friends,
Hope you are well and enjoying the beautiful fall back home.
We are doing great. We have finished our pilot filming with two charities here. The best experience was the kids and I threw a surprise party for a woman named Latoya, her twin five year olds and brand new baby, Redina (9 days when we met her). We had so much fun shopping and decorating the Family Resource Center with balloons, a cake loads of presents and games like pin the tail on the donkey. Lexi had so much fun with the girls, running and playing…no seperation at all between them. This is the gift I love to see.
And thanks to the generosity of our new family at Bids That Give, we were able to gift Latoya and her babies housing for six months so she can get out of the shelter and back on her feet. What a feeling that was to hear her cry softly and hug her girls!! I will always remember her expression when she said to me in her soft accent, “I asked God for you, and here you are.”
Ordinarily, we would not be allowed to film her because of security reasons. But in this sad case, the father was not the agressor. It was her sister who kicked her in the belly trying to abort the baby at 5 months, so Latoya had no choice but to leave her family home. Can you imagine? There is a huge difference here between a life you choose and a life of forced circumstance. It reminds me of how blessed we are.
And speaking of blessed Richard Branson’s $5 million boat is parked next to ours, the Necker Belle. What a life he has! There are about 30 people coming and going working on the yacht around the clock and he is not even here. Fun to watch the action. We are hoping to connect with him about our project, but not really attached to that.
I love the real life we are creating on the Opus. This is a classic style boat that thanks to capt Billy and his amazing crew, is now ready for the high seas. I just hope we are!! 🙂
As we headed out the marina into the open ocean the other day, Diego whispers in my ear, “do you see that white spreay behind the boat, that is all the BS that isnt real. Now look out on the horizon. That is the present. The here and now. This is where you have to keep your focus.” A true philosopher…and one of the only real pirates I have ever known!
I hope something cool happens with the reality show, but just letting it go to the Gods now (and to Marty, our wonderful reality tv guru!). We are all looking forward to how the pilot our freind Gary here shot turns out. Happy to share it when the time comes.
 As for the sailing we are anxious to get underway. We had to wait out a big storm that thankfully passed us by last night and now we are sailing tomorrow. We will be in the BVi’s for a few days before the long stretch to Anguilla / St Marten, which could take up to 20 hours. We did a test sail the other day and ho magical it is when the engines are cut and there is only the sound of the wind filling the sails. We had about ten friends with us for our inaugural flight, and everyone fell silent when the sails took over…what a feeling!
The kids are having a blast making friends with the gang that has been working with Billy to get the boat ready. Diego looks (and acts when he’s full of rum) just like capt Jack Sparrow. We all sit around on the docks at night laughing at Lexi who is becoming a master at mimicking Diego. I know they will not be the same kids after this trip and I am looking forward to watching their transformation.
MIne too…I miss my life and sometimes I wonder if this was all a big mistake. But then the sunset blows me away or something one of the kids says causes me to stop in my tracks, and I KNOW this is meant to be. Like the storm passing us by last night when the marina was filled to the brim with boats all hunkering down with us, expecting 50 mi /hr winds….nothing….
God is with us.
I think very few experience that first hand, dont you?
We miss you and send our love across the winds to you,
Jennifer, Charlie and Lexi

Compassion Mission Crew

OCTOBER 19, 2012
Hi all,
Check it out: our ad for the Pay it Forward in Paradise charter is LIVE today on the auction site and there is already lots of bidders!!
So much has gone into making this possible, and I am so grateful for the magic that is unfolding.
Over coffee this morning looking out over crystal blue waters surrounding the majestic lush hills of Norman Island in the BVI’s, Captain Billy said two really cool things: the first:  “Jen, so much good is associated with this trip that only good can come from it” and the second:  “this sure doesn’t suck”.
Check out the auction and come sail wit us!!! (cause it sure doesn’t suck!!)
We’re off to Virgin Gorda and the incredible natural baths tomorrow, and then on to Anegada, one of the best dive spots in the Caribbean before we head over to Anguilla,which will talk about 20 hours sailing.
We miss you!
Love, us
PS. Charlie and Lexi are outside blowing a giant conch shell like a bull horn. Slightly annoying but incredibly cute!

On a mission to do goodSailing!


What not to do When Writing a Book Proposal

I am pleased to repost this great article from my friend Deb Herman!
Deb is an experienced writer and literary agent who is practrical and smart when it comes to giving advice!  Enjoy!
By Deborah Herman
Literary Agent and co-founder of the new social network for Writers: Writer Entrepreneur
The nonfiction book proposal is the tool of the trade for traditional publishing. It is even now used for fiction submissions although with different elements. If you want to find an agent and/or publisher for your non-fiction book you need to learn how to do this even though you may put it on the level of visiting the dentist. No offense meant for dentists, but if the character in “Little Shop of Horrors,” is any indication, dentists own a place among some of our communal worst nightmares. Writers have a similar perspective toward book proposals. Book proposals seem to be a necessary evil more evil than necessary.

If you understand the purpose and attributes of a book proposal you can make writing them almost as much fun as writing your book. They create a blueprint and can be used even if you decide to self-publish to keep you on task. You can write a book proposal without needing a completed manuscript. This is an amazing benefit for you as a writer. You can plan your book, write good sample material and if you are able to find an agent or publisher can spend your time writing the book knowing that it will reach an audience and that you will be paid. This is much better then all the speculative writing we must do in building our careers. Your book proposal is like a personal interview with the person who can choose your project and change your life. A well written book proposal can move you up the ladder toward the smaller percentage of people who land a book deal.

We use a specific format in our book proposals that we have clearly outlined in our book: “Write the Perfect Book Proposal.”  This makes the process so much less daunting. No matter what resource you use, and there are many great ones, the gist of the proposal is the same. You want to explain clearly what the book is about, why it should exist and why you are the one to be writing it.

The sections of a book proposal are as follows:

1.Title Page
3. About the Author
4. Market- who will buy the book
5. Promotions- author marketing plan
6. social media 
7. competition
8. Table of Contents
9. Chapter by Chapter outline
10. Sample Chapter(s)
Without going into complete detail of how to write a book proposal, which we will do in a future blog, there are things you should not do when writing one. 
What not to do when writing a book proposal:
1. Do not forget the purpose of a book proposal. This is not a mini manuscript. It is a sales document more akin to a business plan where you are able to introduce your project to the appropriate agent or editor. 
2. Do not think that you will put all your energy into the manuscript and whip out the proposal just because you have to. In many cases your book proposal needs to be better than your book. This is what will get you in the door. 
3. When writing your book proposal do not pontificate. Your overview should only be 250-500 words. You are enticing the agent or editor to read more. You do not want to waste this space with fluff about how it will be a bestseller and will change the world. 
4. Do not weigh any section of the proposal as more important than the others. Every section is there for a reason. You are anticipating questions the agent or editor will have about the potential of your book and answering them in ways geared to support you. 
5. Do not write a disorganized table of contents with fancy chapter titles. It is better to have clear and explanatory titles that allow a reader to completely visualize the book than for someone to think you are clever but unfocused. 
6. Do not forget to do your market research. Know who your audience is. Saying that every woman in the world needs to read the book is not valid even if it is true. 
7. Do not forget to thoroughly research your competition. You may not find all the books that are in the works at a publishing house, but you should be familiar with books already in the marketplace. 
8. Do not write a chapter by chapter outline that is non-persuasive. In other words use good writing skill to show that the book will be a good read. 
9. Do not forget to describe what you bring to the table. If you have a reach to your audience include it in your proposal so the agent or editor can be sure that your book is a good risk. 
10. Do not get lazy when it comes to including sample chapters. You may not need to write the entire manuscript but the agent or editor will want to know that you can write. You do not need to be the best writer but your sample chapters will show follow through. 
Enjoy the process and show that you are passionate about your book. Try to be patient with this part of the journey. It will pay off in the end.

Deborah Herman is a Literary Agent with the Jeff Herman Agency as well as an author and book doctor. Herman is a co-founder of Writer Entrepreneur Network. 

How to Make Your Grocery Shopping Go Further

Whether you are out of work, struggling to pay for the cost of childcare or wondering how you will finance Christmas, any areas in life where you can make monetary savings are welcome.

Saving money not only allows us to pay for the essentials in life – food, clothes for your children, your rent or mortgage, utility bills and the rest – it also allows us to put money aside for the future. It’s never too early to start saving; even if you can only put a small amount of money away each month into a savings account ,over time you will see your funds grow. You might even want to set up a savings account for your children; it is quite common for parents to start a college fund for their kids, as the years will soon pass by.

Thinking further down the line, the money you save can be put towards a pension scheme to help support you during your retirement. However you choose to save your money that’s up to you, but one useful way relates to the food we buy and cook; something applicable to us all.

Always make a shopping list
It’s surprising how many women don’t make a list of what they need before they head to the grocery store. You might have an amazing memory or feel that taking the five minutes to write the list is a waste of your already stretched time. However, research shows that having a shopping list is one of the best ways to avoid impulse buys at the grocery store; the very products that can add dollars to your food bill every week. Make a list and religiously stick to it; nothing goes in your grocery cart if it is not on the list. Also by making a list you avoid making extra trips to buy food – you never will just come out of the store with the milk you went into get – saving you money on fuel into the bargain.

Buy in bulk
On the majority of occasions it is cheaper to buy a large pack or a multipack of food items. If you have a big family, this represents no problem. However, if you live alone or there are only one or two others in your household, this should still not be a barrier to making more economical purchases; consider whether fresh items can be frozen, whether you might be able to share the purchase with someone else or whether non-perishable items would last anyway.

Make use of special offers
The grocery store always has a range of special offers designed to save their customers money. As long as you don’t fall into the trap of buying products that you don’t really need, they can indeed do so. Watch out for link saves on multiple perishable items though; if you aren’t able to use them all before they deteriorate, it wasn’t such a good deal after all. For this reason offers on cans, packets and jars of food can provide a better buy, as most of the time they can sit in the cupboard or freezer for months before they need to be used.

Don’t be a brand snob
Always buying the famous brands of food can bump up the cost of your food shop considerably; if you were to start adding some of the own brand goods from wherever you shopped to your grocery cart, you would soon see the savings mount up. The quality of many own brand products is surprisingly good and in taste tests only a small percentage of participants can often tell the difference.

Fresh is not always best
If you only ever buy fresh fruit and vegetables on the assumption that they are better for you, think again. Not only can the vitamin content be lower in fresh varieties – various vitamins deteriorate with time, whereas they are “locked in” on freezing – but they also cost more. Switching over to at least some frozen and even canned or dried fruit and vegetables will provide a healthy saving for your purse. If you must only buy fresh produce, choose those in season, as fruit and vegetables that have travelled half way across the world to the grocery store cost a lot more than those grown in your own state.

Cut back on meat
As meat is often the most expensive part of a meal, if you can eat less it’s a good way to save money. Reduce the meat component by half in meals such as casseroles, curries, chilli and pasta dishes and instead bulk them out with peas, beans or lentils, which are an excellent low fat and filling protein source and cost a fraction of the price of meat.  Eggs are also a cheap protein source; move on from egg on toast to more inventive dishes such as frittatas and Spanish omelettes.

Avoid processed foods
You are paying extra for the convenience that someone else has made the item when you buy processed foods. While making your own cakes and biscuits might seem a chore when you are busy, your kids will be eager to lend a hand, so it can be a good way to amuse them for an afternoon. Staple items such as sauces for pasta and curries, stock and dressings all tend to be cheaper if you make your own.

Cook in bulk
By preparing more for each meal than you need – say double quantities – this is a great way to save time and money. The extra portions can be frozen so that on the days when you are pushed for time, you can have a wholesome meal in minutes. Not only that, but you will also save on your gas or electricity bills, as the time that you will need to heat the second portion through will be much less than if you had made another meal from scratch. Even if you have made a standard portion of a dish and you have an extra serving left – perhaps if one of your kids is out for the evening – never throw that away; it will make the perfect meal for one person, so again pop it in the freezer.

Make use of leftovers
Throwing away a proportion of your weekly food shop wastes money and even if it were only 10%, if you worked out how much this was equivalent to over a year, you would be shocked. Besides only buying as much food as you need, there are other ways around this issue. If you misjudged the number of potatoes to boil or cooked too many green vegetables, these can still be used the following day. Extra vegetables can always be used to make soup, potatoes can be sliced and sautéed, fruit can be turned into a smoothie and meat can be used in a curry. The same principle can be applied to food in the fridge approaching its “use by” date. There are cook books and internet sites devoted to the topic of using up your leftovers, so if you are stuck for inspiration, these can provide you with additional ideas.

Use every last scrap
Even if you aren’t wasting any food, you will still be left with the likes of fruit and vegetable peelings, eggs shells and cardboard containers. Rather than add these remains to the garbage, these can be used to make compost, which you can then add to your garden instead of buying ready-bagged compost. Composter units can be bought relatively cheaply, but to be honest all you need is a wooden frame and something to act as a lid to get you started.

Hope this helps! Thanks Eve! 
L, J, K (Love, Joy, Kindness)


cComing soon!! – Emotional Intelligence Series for Women

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”  
Albert Einstein

One of my favorite quotes is “knowledge, (facts) make you arrogant, but understanding makes you compassionate”. (my paraphrase)  Based on this, I am excited about our new projects designed to make life better for women all around!

New resources are coming to Unlocking Secrets for Women!  A new e-book and on line video series are in the works.  The new ebook series is being written from the large group of excellent authors and experts that have been part of my radio shows and live programs over the many years. The range of topics will provide practical “take away” information on a variety of topics intended to provide expert help for your everyday life! The on line video series will be a series of teachings on a variety of topics, starting with what I call “The Foundation of Belief – Emotional Intelligence”.  Both the e-book and on line video series will provide thought provoking mental and emotional exercises designed to make a wonderful difference in your life.

For years I have found myself challenged with the need for emotional growth in myself and the women I have had the privilege of influencing.  The sadness and frustration of many good women who have hit a wall in their relationship understanding is staggering and yet the tools have not been that readily available. USFW is committed to providing resources that will fill the gap.

I have noticed that a lot of women believe we are somehow “allowed to behave a certain way, just because we are women”, yet it is defeating and destructive.   This has resulted in the potential of women who are amazing, to show up “less” than what we are capable of.  A lot of times this has resulted in part by modelling bad behaviour towards our own children.  People perish emotionally and sometimes physically when there is a lack of knowledge and then pursuing the understanding. Pursuing the understanding will lead to different “actions” on our part and that means a change in behaviours affecting our relationships. 

Over the past 25 years of teaching women, I believe this is clearly the largest gap in women’s growth. I believe the largest influencers in relationships are women,  and in theory should mean there should be a ready supply  of on hand resources available. Yet I have not found that this is the case.  Access to resources for emotional intelligence teaching and modelling should be part of our parenting tool kit.  But we can only give out to our kids and families what we know, and if we don’t know this is missing, we keep on struggling. When we really think about it, almost all our problems have a root in emotions.  Emotional intelligence therefore, in my opinion, is what is needed on just about every level.   The experts that stand with me in my goals have been keen to support this passion of mine to educate us all in emotional intelligence, maturity and growth! 

I do not write this as a judgement, but rather from personal experience. I have needed to learn about emotional intelligence over the years and had no one who was emotionally intelligent to teach me. I can remember one day, sitting on my bench in front of an open window filled with fragrant jasmine wafting near me as struggled to deal with my own emotional challenges. I was young, in South Africa really against my own desires and in an unhappy marriage. I was an unhappy self  wishing I had a woman mentor to help me.  A still small voice came to me saying “why don’t you be that woman”?   I remember wondering  how on earth could I be that to myself? But I was desperate and so I accepted the challenge. I really didn’t have much choice. All the women I knew, including my precious mom , didn’t know how to help me either, or I would have had all these skills already! 

I learned from making countless mistakes that I wish I could take back. The wisdom in me however, knows that if I didn’t make those mistakes, I wouldn’t have learned the lessons I have needed.  There are those that have walked on before me that I have gleaned from, but I think the biggest work was in, “telling myself the truth about myself, good and bad” and accepting it without defense.  That is the beginning of true growth.

What do you think would happen if we became curious about what was going on around us, rather than judging and labelling our responses or the responses of others? That simple question applies to our own reactions negatively or positively with our qualities and others as well! 

So while you wait for the series, start with a desire to be curious.  Don’t judge anyone, including yourself.  BUT don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions in compassion like “what would be going on inside of someone (me) that would cause that kind of reaction or response?” Just asking those kinds of questions opens the door to Emotional Intelligence!  Stay tuned for the upcoming series!  🙂
LJK, (love, joy, kindness)


Can you do this without legs?

I had the most amazing chance to interview a human being that can inspire us all!  Mr. Bob Wieland who walked across America with his hands after having his legs blown off while trying to save a comrade in Vietnam.  He inspired President Regan so much that the president cried!

Left for dead and placed in a body bag, it took one last breath to alert someone that the bag was moving- that second saved his life and he became an American Hero and inspires many able bodied people to see beyond their circumstances!

Check out the interview here:


to book either Sammy Maloof   or Bob at or both especially with the Veterans day coming up, please contact me at

Candace Newton-Chaput


So You Think You Can Dance, Third Runner Up, Nathalie Heath

I had a fabulous interview with the beautiful and talented dancer from White Rock, Nathalie Heath! Nathalie was a third runner up on SYTYCD Canada in 2010 and is traveling across the country inspiring and teaching young people.  Nathalie shares honestly about her struggles, triumphs and how she got through her challenges and discuss the talent, and skills needed to be successful.  I caught up with her in Surrey on Sunday.

You can also go to   to find out about her company that offers amazing dance skills while she travels go to

See our interview below…. amazing girl!

Talented Kids-Amazing Conductor Ken Hsieh

The love of music is universal and I was privileged to interview my very talented friend and one of the worlds youngest conductors, the amazing Ken Hsieh.

In this candid interview, Ken opens up about the accident that changed his career, and discusses how pushing kids to practice is a mistake. He shares his incredible vision to start the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra and his work around the world.

I joined him backstage at the Michael J. Fox Theater,  Sunday September 9, 2012,  the day they celebrated their 10th Anniversary!    To learn more about Ken’s impressive career and passion, go to and make sure you check out the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra at